Heres the situation:
The bad news first: Batican Custom Framery is my company that I own and operate, and the past two years have been the most financially challenging times we have ever experienced. Even more challenging than covid. These challenges have been due to the mass exodus from the Bay Area when covid happened and all the tech workers started working remotely and buying up all the real estate as well as driving the prices of rental property up. My business expenses more than tripled, making keeping this business open and operational practically impossible.
Unfortunately I have had to borrow money to keep the lights on and the rent paid. We went from being debt free to racking up nearly 25k in debt. We are also behind on most bills as well. The stress that I have been enduring as the owner operator has been extremely intense. Unfortunately it has caused me to make a number of mistakes, which really only happens during extremely high stress situations.
This has led me to humbly and reluctantly ask for donations of any kind so that we may survive the rest of the year. The Good News: There is hope! We have been given the green light to move operations to the mountains just an hour outside of Fresno to Northfork to my friend, and soon to be business partner's 62 acre property. The property holds a roughly 4000sqft three story barn with multiple work spaces, and shop with dual roll up doors that will be perfect for running Batican Custom Framery.
The cost of rent will be significantly lower than what I am paying currently. It is also located in a beatiful area, complete with three houses, which I will be able to live in with my family. We also will have space for an art studio that will be available to hold art workshops in. Because the land is massive, we will also have campsites for rent, and there are many great plein air painting opportunities on the land as well as nearby. We are very excited for the move. The move will be happening starting January 2025, and we cannot wait!